Jul 8, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

I love this newsletter. It’s a bright spot of hope and commiseration every week. Thank you for sharing your words with us and making me feel like I’m not alone 💕

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Jul 8, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

Hi Lauren,

I've been loving this newsletter and always look forward to my weekly dose of sanity from Pancake Brain. I particularly enjoyed the book club for their Eyes Were Watching God, and would love to see more book clubs in the future. I think that most young people's political consciousnesses are at an all time high right now and that they are looking for ways to become involved. I think framing letters around a action items that young people could take could be really helpful.



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Hi angel! I always appreciate your comments, and especially this one. I'm definitely planning to add action items again in upcoming newsletters, and more book clubs in the future too — just trying to grow a bit first. <3

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

I enjoy your newsletter and I'm looking forward to more of it especially given how crazy the year has been so far.

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Amen, Corey. Thanks for being here.

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

I love it! I almost always share it with someone, too. <3

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Heck yes. Thank you so much, Laura!

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You are a breath of fresh air in a polluted world. You speak truth to power and take on the grifters and the fat cas. Keep it up!

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Heck yes, exactly my goal. ;)

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

Hi Lauren! I was given How to Start a Revolution for my 15th birthday this past April, and I plowed through it. I love your authentic writing style that doesn't try to make light of the atrocities happening in the world right now. Every week I look forward to receiving Pancake Brain in my inbox. You have inspired me to actively push for social change in my home of New Mexico and on a national level as well as to continually work to dismantle the bigotry that is so ingrained in America. Thank you!!

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Thank you, my new friend! I can tell just by this comment you are way ahead of where I was at 15. I'm so happy you're part of this little community, and excited to hear how you shake things up at home and beyond.

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

So far, so good, I love the raw energy of your writing because it does not detract from your message; in my opinion, all the fucks you write serve a mightier purpose. I submit your note on F***book as a great example on how vile people should be analyzed, described and ultimately, judged. Anyway, keep doing great work informing us and will continue to share your writings with the uninitiated or ignorant of your work.

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Oh my goodness, Ricardo! Thank you for appreciating all of the fucks I give, and for being as pissed off by the oligarchy as I am. I'm so glad you're here.

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

I love you Lauren and I am so thankful for your voice! Unfortunately, I am 3/4 of the way through my life and do not have that many followers but I am trying to make others aware. Keep fighting the fight!

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Thank you for this extremely kind note, Patty! Just you reading along is more than enough. Sending the love right back your way.

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

Definitely enjoy your thoughts. I've recommended it to a few friends already. I enjoy the citations you include in the article. I rarely use them - because I'm often already aware of what you're talking about. I think it's great to know that you've done the work and that makes the opinion pieces much more difficult to assail. The person attacking the piece would have to understand those articles to really refute your statements.

keep up the good work.

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Ooh, thank you for this, Ryan! I was wondering if it was worth it to keep adding the links. I will keep it up.

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

I very much enjoy the newsletter. You're both informative and funny and we get pissed off by the same things. :)

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Aha, hell yeah, David! I think that officially makes us friends.

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

Hi Lauren,

This newsletter is amazing. I am so glad that I can hear your thoughts and perspectives on all that's going on in the world. Often the news and current events make me overwhelmed and unable to feel like I can change anything, but Pancake Brain and How to Start a Revolution have both given me the ability to put my feelings into words and have given me the motivation to get involved. Thank you for that.

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Thank YOU, Maggie! It's totally reasonable to feel impotent in the presiding chaos. I'm so glad you're part of this little community where we can support each other in the effort to build the future we deserve. Sending you all my love. <3

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

Yeah, I love Pancake Brain, and will gladly share it with my friends.

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Thank you so much, Howard!! If your pals are half as sweet as you, I'm going to love having them here. <3

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

Loving every bit of it, keep it coming.

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Thank you for reading, Saket!

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

1) Keep on keeping on, you are fantastic 2) IMHO I think your superpower is reaching young people (boys and girls and others) at those crucial inflection points in their lives when they decide -- more or less unconsciously -- that they are either invested in systems of power or oppressed by them 3) I suggest "divestment" (a la the campaigns against South Africa or fossil fuels) may be a useful frame within which to present some of your work, e.g. a "Divest yourself from the patriarchy" campaign.

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Hi Amos! Thank you so much for this extremely thoughtful comment. +I like that framing. I'll keep it in mind for my next dissection of the oligarchy. ;)

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UPDATE: People can hit these inflection points at any age. MACRO-target the divestment campaign. In solidarity, Amos

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Hi Lauren: I absolutely love the newsletter and I've been enjoying your work for years. I hope you are finding the writing process useful as you think about your other work for the future (will there be more books!?! I hope so!). Thank you for your amazing voice in this time of multiple, overlapping and traumatic crises. You make it that much more bearable. Cheers, Gautham

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Thank you so much, Gautham! It is my ultimate goal to help make sense of the *multiple, overlapping and traumatic crises.* An honor to be in your inbox each week.

The newsletter process has definitely helped shape future projects. Working in this space has opened me up to a new freedom of voice, and I already see the difference in the early phases of book #2. (It's about my journey to God. I'll share more here as soon as it's ready.😇)

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Jul 7, 2020Liked by Lauren Duca

HI Lauren - I'm enjoying your newsletter. I sent it off to a group of women in the hope of sharing your message further. Hope it helps!!

All ,

In light of some of our recent discussions, I wanted to share this newsletter with you. It is written by Lauren Duca, who was a writer at Teen Vogue with some notoriety who then went on to start writing a column called Thigh High Politics. She is always thought provoking and irreverent, sometimes foul mouthed and fiesty, but never dull.

If you enjoy some lively rabble rousing and patriarchy punching, this could be for you.



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Holy shit, thank you so much, Erin! I couldn't have dreamed up a better recommendation myself. I really appreciate you, and I'm excited to have your pals join us. <3

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