I enjoyed the close of this open letter.

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Lauren, you and your writing are delightful!

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Thank you, my friend!

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Loved your open letter and wtf Harper’s? Maybe they did not want 45 to be able to understand it. Seriously though wtf is up with these highbrow intelects?

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Thanks, I really related to that feeling of when someone I don’t like saying anything funny.

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This is awesome 👏🏽 thank you

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We are featuring a content named “ 3 effective tips to combat depression by Top 20 LGBTQ communist/activists.”

We are composing a mental health care round-up on “ 3 Effective Tips to combat depression/mental health issues”

We will be obliged to have your valued contribution to this.

As then it will be published notably on our renowned healthcare website.

The inquiry is” According to you, what are the 3 most effective tips for Mental Health?”

I understand that your time is precious; a brief answer (of 100 words) will be enough.

I will surely connect your official website/Instagram and Twitter in the content that we will be publishing.

Ps: In this Covid-19 situation, mental health is the main issue people are facing, your positive response could be helpful for many people.

Best Regards,

Zahra Young and Team.


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